[Work In Progress] AMWA AS-11 X5
MXF Program Contribution - DPP UHD Commercials and Promotions
About this web page
This web page is the principal rendering / view of the AMWA AS-11 X5 Specification.
Full details of all the Components (Blocks, Notes, and the others) that form this Rules-based Specification are either shown directly on the current web page or are included in the "specification_data_files" directory that accompanies the page (with explicit links from the current page).
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Specification Repository on GitHub | This repository is where the entire Specification (including this file and alternative renderings / views of the Specification) is stored and version controlled |
List of Releases | Milestones marking significant points in the development of the Specification |
Specifications Page on the AMWA Website | The home of Specifications on the AMWA website |
Development and Implementation Resources | Provides resources such as Specification issue tracking, MXF sample files, and tools |
AS-11: Media Contribution File Formats
The AMWA AS-11 Specifications define constrained media file formats for the delivery of finished media assets to a broadcaster or publisher. Each Specification is developed for a particular business purpose.
Purpose of the AS-11 X5 Specification
This Specification aims to define a file format for the delivery of finished UHD TV Commericals and Promotions to UK Digital Production Partnership (DPP) broadcasters. It aims to define:
- a vendor-neutral and broadcaster-neutral package, using open technologies for delivery of finished commercials and promotions from producers and distributors to broadcast stations
- a package that is sufficiently simple so as to limit the scope for interoperability problems
- a self-contained & play-out ready package
Some notes on practical use
- The content may be delivered at the broadcast bit-rate, picture format and aspect ratio, or it may be transcoded at the broadcast station to the bit-rates and formats required for particular broadcast channels. Similar transcoding may be applied to audio and captions; additionally, specific audio and caption tracks may be selected for different broadcast channels.
- The package may contain some pre and post roll content not for transmission.
Understanding the Specification Blocks Tree
The Rules-Based Specification Framework
This Specification has been written using a 'Rules-based Specification Framework'. In this framework, each 'constraint' or 'rule' is expressed as a 'Component' which can be unambiguously identified by its ID (the Component ID is a web address / URL; there need not be any content available at this web address). These Components assemble into 'networks' or 'webs' to form complete Specifications, with many Components being re-used across a number of Specifications. Through this approach machine processable Specifications are developed which are less ambiguous and easier to implement and test. To read a more detailed introduction to the Rules-based Specification Framework refer to Rules-Based Specifications: Modelling and Processing.
- Blocks (B) are the fundamental 'building bricks' of a Specification -- they provide its structure.
- A Block can either link to Artefacts (A) that it 'owns' or link to other Blocks.
- Artefacts provide the real content of a Specification. They may contain textual statements, code excerpts, or tables, for example.
- Artefacts often refer to Terms (T) and References (R) as well as Blocks.
- Blocks are sometimes described by Notes (N).
- There are two special types of Block which allow the value of one Block to be set by another Block:
- Parameter Key Block (K) -- this is a Block whose value must be set elsewhere in the Specification (it effectively defines a "variable" or an "argument").
- Parameter Value Block (V) -- this is a Block which sets the value of a specific Parameter Key Block.
In this document the network of Blocks (and other Components) that form the Specification are shown as a 'tree': the Specification Blocks Tree. The letters in brackets above are used in the tree to identify the different kinds of Component.
An implementation complies with this Specification if it complies with the Components from which it is constructed, as shown in the Specification Blocks Tree, subject to the following provisions:
- An implementation complies with a Block if it complies with all of the normative Components from which it is constructed. "Informative" items (as defined below) do not have to be complied with.
- "Note" Components are considered "informative". All other Components are considered "normative" unless otherwise noted.
- Compliance with some Blocks is not mandatory. Such Blocks are marked with an alternative "conformance" state (such as "optional" or "recommended").
- The name / title of a Component is considered "informative".
- Prose Artefacts are written as statements of fact. An implementation complies with one of these Artefacts if the stated fact is True for the implementation.
- Other Artefacts are "data files" (such as SMPTE Metadata Registers XML files or XML Schema files). Some of these may be partially rendered below. An implementation must always fully comply with these data files -- links are provided to such data files in the Specification Blocks Tree.
- Note that an Artefact does not always make sense on its own: all of the Artefacts contained within a Block need to be read (in order) to understand the Block fully and correctly.
The Specification Blocks Tree
The following icons are used in the Specification Blocks Tree:
- Its meaning is defined by its contents, which can be Artefacts or other Blocks.
Parameter Key
- A Block whose value must be set elsewhere in the Specification (it effectively declares a "variable" or an "argument").
Parameter Value
- A Block which sets the value of a specific Parameter Key Block.
- This provides informative guidance on the implementation or application of a Block.
- A statement or a data file within a Block.
Note Artefact
- A statement or a data file within a Note.
- An icon with a solid fill denotes constraints that are mandatory.
- An icon with an outline style denotes constraints that are not mandatory.
- Metadata about a Rules-based Specification Component.
File Format with Parameter Values
Component metadata
File Format with Parameter Keys
Component metadata
Core MXF constraints
Component metadata
MXF File Format
Component metadata
The file conforms to SMPTE ST 377-1:2011.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Section 5.2.1 of SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 sets out a non-exhaustive list of changes from SMPTE ST 377:2004.
Operational pattern
Component metadata
The file is signalled as Operational pattern 1a, Operational pattern 1b or Operational pattern 3b.
Operational pattern 1a
Component metadata
The file conforms to SMPTE ST 378:2004.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The file must be labelled as OP1a in the Operational Pattern property of all Partition Packs and the Preface Set, as required by SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 in Section 7.1 and Annex A, respectively.
Operational pattern 1b
Component metadata
The file conforms to SMPTE ST 391:2004.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The file must be labelled as OP1b in the Operational Pattern property of all Partition Packs and the Preface Set, as required by SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 in Section 7.1 and Annex A, respectively.
Operational pattern 3b
Component metadata
The file conforms to SMPTE ST 407:2006.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The file must be labelled as OP3b in the Operational Pattern property of all Partition Packs and the Preface Set, as required by SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 in Section 7.1 and Annex A, respectively.
Determination of Operational Pattern
Component metadata
The file is signalled as OP1a if the only Essence it contains is Picture Essence and Sound Essence, which are carried in a single Essence Container, resulting in one Source Package.
This Essence uses Frame Wrapping. However, other types of Essence, such as TTML subtitles, employ Clip Wrapping, which cannot be accommodated by this Essence Container. Thus additional Essence Container(s) are needed, which will require corresponding Source Package(s), and so the file is signalled as OP1b.
Further to this, if Fillers are used to align the Essence, the Material Package will contain edit decisions, so the file will be signalled as OP3b.
Filler restrictions
Component metadata
Filler objects are only used in Data Tracks.
Filler usage
Component metadata
Filler objects can be used to align TTML subtitles with the Picture Essence and Sound Essence.
Closed Complete Header
Component metadata
The Header Partition is "Closed" and "Complete".
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Byte 15 of the Header Partition Pack Key must be set to 04h and all Header Metadata must have correct values. Hence 'Distinguished Values' cannot be used for 'Best Effort' properties. See Section 6.2.3 of SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 for a full explanation.
RIP present
Component metadata
The file has a Random Index Pack.
KAG size of 1
Component metadata
Every Partition in the file uses a KLV Alignment Grid of 1.
Generic Container
Component metadata
The file uses the Generic Container.
Internal Essence
Component metadata
All Essence streams are internal to the file.
Strict Frame Wrapping
Component metadata
The Generic Container that contains Picture Essence and/or Sound Essence uses Frame Wrapping.
If this Generic Container contains Picture Essence then the related Edit Unit duration is equal to the duration of a video frame of the Picture Essence.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
For example, this means that if the Picture Essence is field-encoded then each Edit Unit contains the data assosiated with both of the video fields for a video frame.
One-to-one Track mapping
Component metadata
Each Essence Track in the Top-Level File Package is referenced by exactly one Essence Track in the Material Package.
No division/combination of Audio Channels between Sound Tracks
Component metadata
This prohibits:
- the mapping of audio channels from a multi-channel Sound Track in a Source Package to single-channel Sound Tracks in the Material Package
- the mapping of audio channels from single-channel Sound Tracks in a Source Package to multi-channel Sound Tracks in the Material Package
which is specified in Annex E of SMPTE ST 382:2007.
Header Metadata KLV Fill (Recommended)
Component metadata
When first created, the file includes a KLV Fill item of at least 4 MB in total length following the Header Metadata.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The "total length" is of the entire item and includes the length of the Key and Length fields.
The extra space afforded by the KLV Fill allows Header Metadata to be edited and added to without rewriting the entire file.
Definition of megabyte
Component metadata
The unit symbol "MB" refers to a megabyte, which is 1 000 000 bytes.
MXF Indexing and Partitioning
Component metadata
The Essence Container that contains Picture Essence and/or Sound Essence is in accordance with either of: MXF Indexing and Partitioning strategy for VBE Essence or MXF Indexing and Partitioning strategy for CBE Essence.
MXF Indexing and Partitioning strategy for VBE Essence
Component metadata
Segment the Essence Container
Component metadata
The Essence Container is segmented into Partitions after every X minutes of Essence where X is between one and ten inclusive.
Essence partitioning
Component metadata
Explanation of Essence Segmenting and Partitions
Refer to SMPTE ST 377-1:2011 Section 6.2.1 for the "Partition Rules Overview"
Small segments
There could be small segments of Essence under this regime. This would occur if, for example:
- There is less than one minute of Essence in total. In this case there is a single Essence segment and this Essence segment is short (less than one minute).
- There is 30.5 minutes of Essence and Essence is being segmented every 10 minutes. In this case the final segment is only 30 seconds long.
Index Each Essence Container Segment
Component metadata
Each Essence Container segment is indexed by Index Table Segment(s) that occur after it but before the next Essence Container segment.
These Index Table Segment(s) index every Edit Unit of every Essence Element in the Essence Container segment.
Indexing and Partitions
Component metadata
Index Table Segment details
The stated constraints mean that in each Index Table Segment a "Delta Entry Array" will be required. Additionally, if there is at least one <VBE> <Essence Element> in the <Essence Container> then an "Index Entry Array" could be required (the need for this will depend on, for example, whether <KLV Fill> padding has been used).
This Block allows a number of options regarding which Partition the Index Table Segments are located in. For example, they could be in their own dedicated Partition or in the same Partition as the next Essence Container segment (because in a Partition Index Table Segments always come before an Essence Container segment). The Index Table Segments will not necessarily be in the Partition that immediately follows the Essence Partition: there could be other Partitions in between (such as a Generic Stream Partition).
Index Table Repetition
This Block places no constraint on Index Table Repetition. For example, a complete Index Table could additionally be included somewhere in the file if required.
Application to CBE Essence
Component metadata
While these constraints are designed for use with Variable Bytes per Element (VBE) Essence, it is possible to apply them to Constant Bytes per Element (CBE) Essence. There are more efficient ways to deal with CBE Essence, however.
MXF Indexing and Partitioning strategy for CBE Essence
Component metadata
Index precedes Essence
Component metadata
The file contains a complete Index Table before the Essence.
Index all Essence
Component metadata
The Index Table indexes every Edit Unit of every Essence Element in the file.
Single Essence Partition
Component metadata
The Generic Container is entirely contained in exactly one Partition.
Indexing and Partitions
Component metadata
It's generally considered good MXF practice to have one 'thing' per Partition, so you'd have separate Partitions for Header Metadata, Essence, and Index Tables. This isn't a requirement but following best practice is encouraged.
The Index Table could be placed in the Header Partition, its own Body Partition or in a Body Partition with the Essence. Indeed it could be distributed across all three of these locations. Decoders need to be able to cope with all of these posibilities.
Component metadata
This Block limits the scope of the Blocks it encompasses to the Essence Container that contains Picture Essence and/or Sound Essence. The file may contain other Essence Containers which are not subject to the restrictions imposed by these Blocks.
AVC mapped with ST 381-3
Component metadata
One Picture Track
Component metadata
The Material Package contains exactly one Picture Track.
AVC Byte Stream Format Picture Essence
Component metadata
The Picture Essence is AVC and uses the AVC Byte Stream Format.
ST 381-3 mapping
Component metadata
The Picture Essence is mapped to the file as specified in SMPTE ST 381-3:2013.
The value of Byte 15 of the "Essence Container" label is 60h.
The Picture Essence Descriptor used is the {CDCIDescriptor}.
Use of the AVC Sub Descriptor
Component metadata
SMPTE ST 381-3:2013 defines the AVC Sub Descriptor and states that it "should" be used. This Block places no additional constraints on the use of the AVC Sub Descriptor. Therefore, as far as this Block is concerned its use is regarded as optional but recommended. However, note that SMPTE ST 381-3:2013 does mandate how the values of the AVC Sub Descriptor are populated -- for certain AVC streams it would not be possible to fulfil these requirements and so in such cases there is no choice but to omit the AVC Sub Descriptor.
AVC has no external dependencies
Component metadata
Everything to be displayed during the Material Package Picture Track needs to be decodable without references to external dependencies. For example, this means that:
- The required SPS and PPS will need to be present at an appropriate point / points in the wrapped AVC.
- For inter-frame coded material <Pre-Charge> and <Roll-Out> could be required.
Picture Element Length
Component metadata
ST 381-3:2011 states:
The length field of the KLV coded Element shall be 4 bytes BER long-form encoded (i.e. 83h.xx.yy.zz) for Frame wrapping.
4 bytes BER long-form encoded length is limited to 16 MiB (FF.FF.FF). This might become restrictive at the maximum data rates allowed by AVC at Level 5.
Picture Essence Constraints
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Key Block – its value is set by the Parameter Value Block Picture Essence Constraints
Specifies further constraints on the "Picture Essence" and its mapping to the MXF file.
Multichannel, 24-bit, 48 kHz, uncompressed PCM, mapped with ST 382
Component metadata
One Soundfield Group per Sound Track
Component metadata
Each Sound Track represents all of the Audio Channels for exactly one Soundfield Group.
Uncompressed 24-bit PCM audio at 48 kHz
Component metadata
For each Audio Channel the Sound Essence is "uncompressed PCM audio data" per SMPTE ST 382:2007, sampled at 48 kHz with 24 bits per sample.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
As per Section 6 of SMPTE ST 382:2007 samples are stored as little-endian integers.
Constrained ST 382 Wave PCM mapping
Component metadata
The Sound Essence is mapped to the file as "Wave Audio Essence" using the method described by SMPTE ST 382:2007.
In the {WAVEPCMDescriptor} the (ordinarily optional) "ElectrospatialFormulation" property is not present.
In the {WAVEPCMDescriptor} the (ordinarily optional) "ChannelAssignment" property is present.
In the {WAVEPCMDescriptor} the value of the "ChannelAssignment" property is the same for all Sound Tracks.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
This prohibits the use of the "AES3 Audio Essence Descriptor" defined in SMPTE ST 382:2007.
Audio Layout
Component metadata
An Audio Layout Mode is used with the properties set as specified by Audio Layout Mode 0 or one of the Audio Layout Modes specified by Extra Audio Layout Modes.
Audio Layout Mode
Component metadata
The value of Channel Assignment Label is a SMPTE Universal Label that is used as the value of the Sound Essence Descriptor property that signals channel assignment.
If MCA Labeling Present is "true" then Constrained Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework is used. Otherwise the Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework specified in SMPTE ST 377-4:2012 is not used.
Constrained Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Component metadata
The file uses the Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework specified in SMPTE ST 377-4:2012.
There is exactly one AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor for each Audio Channel. This AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of the Sound Track that contains the Audio Channel.
There is exactly one SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor for each Soundfield Group. This SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of a Sound Track in the Soundfield Group.
There is one or more GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor(s) for each Soundfield Group. Each of these GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of a Sound Track in the Soundfield Group.
Each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor references exactly one SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor.
Each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor references all of the GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor(s) for the Soundfield Group it relates to.
In each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name", "MCA Channel ID".
In each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
In each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name", "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
In each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "MCA Channel ID".
In each GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name".
In each GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "MCA Channel ID", "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Distribution and Repetition of SubDescriptors
SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptors and GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors could all be on one Sound Track or distributed. Hence, even the GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors might not be on the same Sound Track.
If several Soundfield Groups reference a single Group of Soundfield Groups then there will be more than one GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor for that Group of Soundfield Groups. That is, it is repeated for each Soundfield Group that references it.
Type of RFC5646SpokenLanguage property
The value of this property is encoded as a US-ASCII string with one byte per character.
property of the {MCALabelSubDescriptor} is defined in SMPTE ST 377-4:2012 as having the type "ISO-8String". This type is undefined. -
However, the entry for
in the SMPTE Elements Register correctly lists the type as "ISO7", which refers to "ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology -- ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange.". That is the same character repertoire referenced by IETF RFC 5646.
The value of Default Audio Layout defines any static properties of Audio Channels and Sound Tracks in the file.
Channel Assignment Signalling
Component metadata
There are different ways of signalling channel assignment depending on the format of the audio. For example:
- PCM uses the "ChannelAssignment" property of the {WAVEPCMDescriptor} Sound Essence Descriptor
- AAC uses the "MPEGAudioChannelAssignment" property of the {MPEGAudioDescriptor} Sound Essence Descriptor
Audio Layout Mode 0
Component metadata
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.02010000 ConstrainedMultichannelAudioLabelingFramework Identifies a specific application of the MXF Multichannel Audio Framework View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: SoundChannelLabeling
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.02000000 SoundChannelLabeling View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
MCA Labeling Present is "true".
Default Audio Layout is not set (no assumptions can be made about audio layout).
Extra Audio Layout Modes
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Key Block – its value is set by the Parameter Value Block Extra Audio Layout Modes
If Constrained Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework is used then any device or system that reads, writes or otherwise processes the file supports Labels for use in Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework.
Constrained Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Component metadata
The file uses the Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework specified in SMPTE ST 377-4:2012.
There is exactly one AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor for each Audio Channel. This AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of the Sound Track that contains the Audio Channel.
There is exactly one SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor for each Soundfield Group. This SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of a Sound Track in the Soundfield Group.
There is one or more GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor(s) for each Soundfield Group. Each of these GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors is strongly referenced by the "SubDescriptors" property of the Generic Sound Essence Descriptor of a Sound Track in the Soundfield Group.
Each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor references exactly one SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor.
Each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor references all of the GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor(s) for the Soundfield Group it relates to.
In each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name", "MCA Channel ID".
In each AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
In each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name", "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
In each SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "MCA Channel ID".
In each GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are present: "MCA Tag Name".
In each GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor the following (ordinarily optional) properties are not present: "MCA Channel ID", "RFC 5646 Spoken Language".
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Distribution and Repetition of SubDescriptors
SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptors and GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors could all be on one Sound Track or distributed. Hence, even the GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors might not be on the same Sound Track.
If several Soundfield Groups reference a single Group of Soundfield Groups then there will be more than one GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor for that Group of Soundfield Groups. That is, it is repeated for each Soundfield Group that references it.
Type of RFC5646SpokenLanguage property
The value of this property is encoded as a US-ASCII string with one byte per character.
property of the {MCALabelSubDescriptor} is defined in SMPTE ST 377-4:2012 as having the type "ISO-8String". This type is undefined. -
However, the entry for
in the SMPTE Elements Register correctly lists the type as "ISO7", which refers to "ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology -- ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange.". That is the same character repertoire referenced by IETF RFC 5646.
Labels for use in Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Key Block – its value is set by the Parameter Value Block Labels for use in Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
"MCA Label Dictionary ID" Labels Used
Note that no constraint is placed on which "MCA Label Dictionary ID" Labels can be used in the file. The stated constraint simply means that implementations that comply with this Block must be able to support all of the specified Labels. In practice this means that for most real Sound Tracks the specified Labels ought to be used but alternative Labels can be used if the need arises (for example to support the delivery of additional specialist Sound Tracks for which Labels have been privately agreed between the supplier and the broadcaster).
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Each Sound Track will have:
- one AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor for each of its Audio Channels
- one SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor
- one or more GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors
If two (or more) Soundfield Groups belong to the same Group of Soundfield Groups then the GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor will be repeated on each Sound Track that uses it.
Embedded XML Documents
Component metadata
Each XML document identified by List of Embedded XML Documents is embedded in the file using XML Document in Header Metadata Carriage.
List of Embedded XML Documents
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Key Block – its value is set by the Parameter Value Block List of Embedded XML Documents
Lists XML documents to be embedded, defined in terms of:
- the namespace of the document's root element
- the name of the document's root element
- a Media type (MIME type) for the document
XML Document in Header Metadata Carriage
Component metadata
The XML document is a complete XML document (with a single root element) that is UTF-8 encoded without a "Byte-Order Mark" (BOM).
The XML document is carried in the Header Metadata according to SMPTE RP 2057:2011.
The instance of "Text-Based DM Framework" is strongly referenced from a Constrained Static DM Track.
Constrained Static DM Track
Component metadata
A Constrained Static DM Track is a Static Track (DM) in the Material Package that contains a Sequence, which contains exactly one DM Segment, which strongly references an instance of a DM Framework.
Track Name
Component metadata
The "Track Name" property of an Constrained Static DM Track does not identify the DM Scheme whose DM Framework it references. In the absence of other requirements for "Track Name", it is suggested that files use a value corresponding to the DM Scheme used in the track, e.g. "AS_11_Core", "AS_11_UKDPP".
The XML document is carried in the "UTF-8 Text Data" property of the "UTF-8 Text-based Set".
In the "UTF-8 Text-based Set" the property "Text-based Metadata Payload Scheme ID" has the value of DM_XML_Document.
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.04010000 DM_XML_Document Descriptive Metadata XML Document in Header Metadata View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: MetadataPayloadSchemes
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.04000000 MetadataPayloadSchemes View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
In the "UTF-8 Text-based Set" the property "Text Data Description" is present and has a value equal to the namespace of the root element of the XML document.
2-byte Local Length Encoding is used for both the "Text-Based DM Framework" and the "UTF-8 Text-based Set".
ST 2057 Implementation Notes
Component metadata
XML Document size limits
The constraints mean that Byte 6 of the two set keys will be 53h. The amount of text data must be equal to or less than 65535 bytes.
A crucial amendment to ST 2057 exists and must be read carefully -- it changes the ULs of various keys used in the Standard.
For each of these embedded XML documents, the "UTF-8 Text-based Set" that carries it is uniquely identified within the
by the value of its "Text Data Description" property; wheresets_in_scope
consists of all the instances of "Text-based Object" (as defined by SMPTE RP 2057:2011) present in the Material Package that have a value of DM_XML_Document for the "Text-based Metadata Payload Scheme ID" property.-
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.04010000 DM_XML_Document Descriptive Metadata XML Document in Header Metadata View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: MetadataPayloadSchemes
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.04000000 MetadataPayloadSchemes View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
Other Text/XML Documents can also be Embedded
Component metadata
This Block does not prohibit other text documents (XML or otherwise) from also being embedded in the MXF file. This could be useful because it allows custom XML documents also to be carried along with the mandated XML document(s).
Note that the stated constraints help readers in identifying the mandated XML document(s); if a device examines all sets / objects that meet all of the following criteria:
- it is an instance of a "Text-based Object" (so it is a "Generic Stream Text-based Set", "UTF-8 Text-based Set" or "UTF-16 Text-based Set")
- it is in the Material Package
- the "Text-based Metadata Payload Scheme ID" property has the specified value
then the set / object containing a specific mandated XML document can be uniquely identified by the value of its "Text Data Description" property (this property contains the namespace of the root element of the XML document).
AS-11 Segmentation DM (Descriptive Metadata)
Component metadata
The file contains exactly one Program Segmentation Track.
Program Segmentation Track
Component metadata
A Program Segmentation Track is a Timeline Track that contains a Sequence that is composed of zero or more Filler objects and one or more DM Segment objects.
Each DM Segment object in the Program Segmentation Track represents, and aligns with, a region of program content in the Source Essence.
Each Filler object in the Program Segmentation Track represents, and aligns with, a region of non-program content in the Source Essence.
Track Name
Component metadata
The "Track Name" property of the Program Segmentation Track does not identify the segmentation metadata scheme. In the absence of other requirements for "Track Name", it is suggested that files use a value corresponding to the DM Scheme used in the track, e.g. "AS_11_Segmentation".
Determining SOM and EOM
Component metadata
The start and end timecodes for program regions, commonly referred to as "start of material" (som) and "end of material" (eom), can be determined based on the location of DM Segment objects on the Program Segmentation Track relative to the adjacent Timecode Track in the Material Package that contains the Program Segmentation Track.
Non-Programme Content
Component metadata
Examples of non-programme content include: black, ident, clock.
This Track is in the Material Package.
Each DM Segment object in the Track strongly references an instance of DM_AS_11_Segmentation.
Component metadata
This DM Scheme is identified by DM_AS_11_Segmentation (the DM Scheme Label) and has the following members: DM_AS_11_Segmentation_Framework (the DM Framework).
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010701.0b020000 DM_AS_11_Segmentation AS-11 segmentation metadata scheme View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
Component metadata
Framework / Group
UL: urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.027f0101.0d010701.0b020100
Symbol: DM_AS_11_Segmentation_Framework
Properties / Elements in the Framework:
UL Symbol Definition Type Symbol Is Optional Restrictions urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.01010101.0d010701.0b020101 AS_11_Part_Number A number that both: uniquely identifies the part / segment within the programme; and identifies the position of the part / segment within the programme. UInt16 false urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.01010101.0d010701.0b020102 AS_11_Part_Total The count of parts / segments in the entire programme. UInt16 false View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/505F/artefacts/Groups.xml
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/505F/artefacts/Elements.xml
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/505F/artefacts/Types.xml
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The Track can be identified by an MXF reader by the presence of DM Segment objects that each strongly reference an instance of the "DM_AS_11_Segmentation_Framework" DM Framework.
As the Track is in the Material Package, it is necessarily full from start to finish and is the same length as all other Timeline Tracks in the Material Package.
Repetition of Header Metadata
Component metadata
Repetition of Header Metadata in the Footer Partition is not considered to be another instance of any of the components of that Header Metadata.
Specification Identification
Component metadata
The Specification_Identifiers Element is present in the Preface of the Header Partition.
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Elements
Kind UL Symbol Definition Type Symbol Restrictions LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.01010101.0d010801.01010000 Specification_Identifiers A set of AUIDs where each AUID identifies a "file format" "Block" to which the MXF file conforms. A "file format" "Block" is a "Block" (a Rules Framework Component) that is usually at (or close to) the root of a Rules-based Specification. AUIDSet View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/SpecID/artefacts/Elements.xml
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/SpecID/artefacts/Types.xml
SMPTE Registers Node: Specification_Identification (Elements Register)
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Elements
Kind UL Symbol Definition Type Symbol Restrictions NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.01010101.0d010801.01000000 Specification_Identification View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
The value of this Element includes the Label Blocks_FF_13 and the Label(s) specified by File Format Specification Identification Label.
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.030c0000 Blocks_FF_13_WIP Blocks File Format 13 (Work in Progress) View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: Specification_Identification (Labels Register)
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.05000000 Specification_Identification View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
File Format Specification Identification Label
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Key Block – its value is set by the Parameter Value Block File Format Specification Identification Label
Dolby Audio Metadata (Optional)
Component metadata
The Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream that describes an Audio Program is included in the file using Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream Carriage.
Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream Carriage
Component metadata
The mapping of a Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream into VANC Data Packets conforms to SMPTE 2020-B.
The mapping of VANC Data Packets into ANC Frame Elements is as specified in Constrained Ancillary Data Mapping.
Constrained Ancillary Data Mapping
Component metadata
The mapping of VANC Data Packets into ANC Frame Elements is as specified in SMPTE ST 436-1:2013 where "Payload Sample Coding" is "8-bit luma samples" (04h) and "Wrapping Type" is: "VANC Frame" (01h) (for interlaced or segmented progressive Picture Essence) or "VANC Progressive Frame" (04h) (for full-frame progressive Picture Essence).
The "Line Number" used for each field's VANC Data Packet in the ANC Frame Element is the same for all VANC Data Packets for that field for the identified Audio Program.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Use of Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream Carriage
The file can use Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream Carriage to carry audio presentation metadata for zero, one or more than one SoundfieldGroups / Audio Programs.
SDID value
SMPTE ST 2020-1 specifies that the SDID value within the VANC Data Packet be used to identify the Sound Tracks that make up the Audio Program. For example, VANC Data Packets that contain Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream for a 5.1 channel Audio Program starting at channel pair 5/6 will require the SDID value in the VANC Data Packet to be set to 04h.
However, this approach only works inside an MXF file if every Audio Channel in the file is identifiable using a pan-file channel number. This is the case if, for example, the Sound Tracks in the MXF file are numbered mono Sound Tracks.
However, if the Sound Tracks in the MXF file are Multichannel Sound Tracks then this approach does not work. Some consequences of this:
- The value to be used for SDID is undefined.
- If more than one 5.1 SoundfieldGroup (and at least one Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream) is included in the file then an external mechanism is needed to relate SoundfieldGroups and Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstreams.
- The SDID values might need to be rewritten upon output so that they correctly identify the Audio Channels that are being used to carry the relevant SoundfieldGroup / Audio Program. For example, this might be the case when playing out an MXF file to SDI -- particularly if only certain audio is played out or the audio layout is changed.
DID value
VANC Data Packets that are carrying Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream will have a DID value of 45h.
Packets are not constant throughout
SMPTE 2020-B requires that there is "one packet in each field of interlaced video formats". However, the two packets in each interlaced video frame are not identical.
The values of SMPTE RDD 6 metadata properties might change from one frame to the next, but normally they will not. However, the VANC Data Packets in the file will not be identical even if the metadata is static: the "frame_count" will certainly increment and the "description_text" (if not null) will change.
Other data being carried in the ANC Frame Element
The ANC Frame Element can also contain HANC Data Packets and other VANC Data Packets in addition to those carrying Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstreams. Irrespective of what data is carried in the ANC Frame Element, there is only ever one Track (in each of the Material Package and Top-Level File Package), one Data Element, and one associated Essence Descriptor in the MXF file.
Timecode constraints
Component metadata
Timecode Track Presence
Component metadata
The Material Package contains exactly one Timecode Track.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
This Timecode Track provides "Synthetic Timecode" because its Timecode is "generated" from a single "Start Timecode" value that is associated with the beginning of the Material Package. This means that the Timecode is necessarily continuous throughout the entire playback of the MXF file.
Constrained Timecode Track in Material Package
Component metadata
The Timecode Track in the Material Package is a Constrained Timecode Track.
Constrained Timecode Track
Component metadata
The value of the "Edit Rate" property of this Timecode Track is the same as the value of the "Edit Rate" property of the Picture Track in the same Package.
There is exactly one Timecode Component in this Timecode Track.
The value of the "Rounded Timecode Base" property of the Timecode Component is the "Edit Rate" of this Timecode Track rounded to the nearest integer.
Timecode mode signalling
Component metadata
The value of the "Drop Frame" property of the Timecode Component in the Timecode Track in the Material Package is "False" (indicating non-drop frame timecode is in use) except in any of the following scenarios (in which case it is "True", indicating drop frame timecode is in use):
- The "Rounded Timecode Base" property of the Timecode Component is
and the "Edit Rate" of the Timecode Track is mathematically equal to60000/1001
- The "Rounded Timecode Base" property of the Timecode Component is
and the "Edit Rate" of the Timecode Track is mathematically equal to30000/1001
- The "Rounded Timecode Base" property of the Timecode Component is
Rational Numbers
Component metadata
Care must be taken when dealing with numbers expressed as a ratio of two integers ("rationals"). They are often used to represent temporal rates or image aspect ratios.
When making comparisons of these values, it is insufficient to simply compare each of the numerators and each of the denominators. For example,
is mathematically equal to14/10
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Note that for an "Edit Rate" of 24000/1001 the "Drop Frame" property will be "False" because drop frame timecode is not applicable to this rate.
Timecode Track Precedence
Component metadata
The Timecode Track in the Material Package defines the authoritative program timecode.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The Timecode defined by the Timecode Track in the Material Package must be used by all the components of a system that handles the file. Other Timecodes could be present in the file but these are not authoritative -- these other Timecodes could be used by certain systems for very specialist purposes (such as keeping track of where each frame of content originated from) but they must never be used as the authoritative / principal Timecode for the content.
Timed Text Subtitles/Captions (Optional)
Component metadata
Subtitles conform to W3C REC-ttml-imsc1.1-20181108 Text or Image profile.
One or more TTML subtitle documents are carried in Essence Containers, and their resources in Generic Stream Containers, according to SMPTE ST 2067-2:2016.
These documents and their resources are placed before the Picture Essence and Sound Essence in the file.
The durations of the Source Clips of TTML Data Tracks in the Material Package are the same as the durations of the corresponding TTML files.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
- The method of embedding TTML subtitles corresponds to that used by IMF, but IMF subtitles are stored in separate mono-Essence files, and conform to version 1.0 of IMSC (as of SMPTE ST 2067-2:2016).
- Inserting all the subtitle information before the Picture Essence and Sound Essence allows playback to commence correctly before the file is available in its entirety.
- Filler objects can be used to align subtitles to the other Essence. For example, a lead-in of non-programme content may be added for distribution. A Filler object of the length of this lead-in can be added to the TTML Data Track in the Material Package before the Source Clip which references the Data Track in the Top-Level File Package. This avoids the need for the subtitle document to be modified to maintain alignment.
- Subtitles are embedded using Clip Wrapping, whereas Picture Essence and Sound Essence employ Frame Wrapping. This requires separate Essence Containers to be used, resulting in more than one file Source Package, and hence the file will be signalled as OP1b (SMPTE ST 391:2004). However, if any Filler objects are used, the Material Package will contain edit decisions, so the file becomes OP3b (SMPTE ST 407:2006).
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
Essence Container Label
The stated constraints mean that the <Essence Container Label> used to identify the <Picture Essence> mapping is always urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010a.0d010301.02106001 (MXFGCAVCByteStreamWithVideoStream0SIDFrameWrapped)
List of Embedded XML Documents
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Value Block – it sets the value of the Parameter Key Block List of Embedded XML Documents
XML DM for Promotions and Commercials
Component metadata
The namespace of the document's root element is Commercials and Promotions Descriptive Metadata; the name of the document's root element is "Commercials_Promos_DM"; the Media type (MIME type) for the document is "application/xml".
Commercials and Promotions Descriptive Metadata
Component metadata
XML Schema
View the HTML Documentation for the XML Schema
View the primary XML Schema file:
View the imported XML Schema file(s):
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_Identification.xsd
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_Commercials_Promos_DomainSpecific.xsd
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_InVisionAccessServices.xsd
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_ContentDetails.xsd
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_Common.xsd
- specification_data_files/www.amwa.tv_c0f7b64/block/DM_Commercials_Promos/artefacts/import/DM_Extras.xsd
Picture Essence Constraints
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Value Block – it sets the value of the Parameter Key Block Picture Essence Constraints
Picture Essence Bitstream and Mapping Constraints
Component metadata
Picture Format constraints
Component metadata
The decoded Picture Essence conforms to ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100-1 where: "Frame frequency (Hz)" is "25" or "50"; "Pixel count" is "3840 x 2160"; the "Sampling lattice" uses a "4:2:2 system"; "Coding format" is "10 bits per component"; "Signal format" is "Non-constant luminance Y' C'b C'r".
The transfer function is chosen for delivery of Picture Essence with a "High Dynamic Range" or a "Standard Dynamic Range".
High Dynamic Range
Component metadata
The transfer function of the Picture Essence conforms to one of those in ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100-1.
If the "Hybrid Log-Gamma" system is chosen, the "narrow range" signal representation is used.
Standard Dynamic Range
Component metadata
The transfer function of the Picture Essence conforms to that in ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020-2.
Chroma siting
Component metadata
ITU-R Recommendation BT.2100-1 defines a chroma sampling lattice as follows:
Orthogonal, line and picture repetitive co-sited with each other. The first (top-left) sample is co-sited with the first Y’ or I samples.
This differs from the sampling lattice that is conventionally used in SD and HD 4:2:0 systems.
AVC Coding
Component metadata
The AVC bitstream is encoded in accordance with Constrained AVC long-GOP coding.
Constrained AVC long-GOP coding
Component metadata
The AVC bitstream is encoded in accordance with AVC High 4:2:2 constraints.
AVC High 4:2:2 constraints
Component metadata
The AVC bitstream conforms to the "High 4:2:2 Profile".
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Picture Essence Coding" property is present and has the value:
In the AVC bitstream the Sequence Parameter Set and Picture Parameter Set are present at least in the first Access Unit of every GOP.
The sequence of encoded Pictures is in accordance with AVC GOP structure.
AVC GOP structure
Component metadata
The duration of each GOP structure is 2 seconds or less.
Efficient coding techniques
Component metadata
The following techniques are recommended to maximise coding efficiency:
- Adaptive GOPs
- Minimum GOP length 0.5 seconds where no adaptation occurs
- Hierarchical B-frames
AVC Video Usability Information - Video Signal Type
Component metadata
For every Sequence Parameter Set the colour_description_present_flag is present and is set.
For every Sequence Parameter Set the video_full_range_flag is present and is not set.
AVC Video Usability Information - Timing Info
Component metadata
For every Sequence Parameter Set the fixed_frame_rate_flag is present and is set.
Picture Essence Descriptor constraints
Component metadata
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Signal Standard" property is not present or has a value of
. -
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Transfer Characteristics" property is present.
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Color Primaries" property is present.
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Coding Equations" property is present.
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Black Ref Level" property is present.
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "White Ref Level" property is present.
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "Color Range" property is present.
AFD Presence
Component metadata
In the Picture Essence Descriptor the (ordinarily optional) "ActiveFormatDescriptor" property is not present.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
The constraints expressed here for the AVC bitstream result in an AVC "Level" of at least 5.1 or 5.2.
ITU-T Rec H.264-201704 contains tables of enumerated values for the Video Usability Information paramaters mandated by the inclusion of the colour_description_present_flag. The constraints expressed here for the picture format result in the following values for these parameters:
- colour_primaries:
- transfer_characteristics:
for "Perceptual Quantization" High Dynamic Range,18
for "Hybrid Log-Gamma" High Dynamic Range and14
for Standard Dynamic Range - matrix_coefficients:
- colour_primaries:
The constraints expressed here for the picture format result in the following values for properties of the Picture Essence Descriptor:
- "Transfer Characteristics":
for "Perceptual Quantization" High Dynamic Range,060e2b34.0401010d.04010101.010b0000
for "Hybrid Log-Gamma" High Dynamic Range and060e2b34.0401010e.04010101.01090000
for Standard Dynamic Range - "Color Primaries":
- "Coding Equations":
- "Black Ref Level":
- "White Ref Level":
- "Color Range":
- "Transfer Characteristics":
File Format Specification Identification Label
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Value Block – it sets the value of the Parameter Key Block File Format Specification Identification Label
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.03040000 Blocks_FF_8_WIP Blocks File Format 8 (Work in Progress) View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
- specification_data_files/vm-1274-user.virt.ch.bbc.co.uk_c064c30/block/SpecID_L8/artefacts/Labels.xml
SMPTE Registers Node: Specification_Identification (Labels Register)
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.05000000 Specification_Identification View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
Labels for use in Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Value Block – it sets the value of the Parameter Key Block Labels for use in Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
Multichannel Audio Labels Collection 0
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01010100 AudioDescriptionStudioSignalDataChannel Identifies an Audio Channel carrying a data signal in the format defined by BBC R&D White Paper WHP 198, intended to be used to control the fade and pan of the Main Program audio when it is being mixed with a Visually Impaired Narrative Audio Channel LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01020100 AudioDescriptionStudioSignal Identifies an Soundfield Group carrying a Visually Impaired Narrative Audio Channel and an Audio Description Studio Signal Data Channel - this is the two-channel Audio Description Studio Signal defined by BBC R&D White Paper WHP 198 LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030100 AlternativeProgram Identifies an alternative, complete audio program LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030200 AudioDescriptionProgramMix Identifies a mix of the program audio with audio description audio LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030300 AudioDescription Identifies a verbal description of the visual scene LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030400 MusicAndEffects Identifies a mix of the Main Program with no dialogue LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030500 UnusedAudio Identifies audio that is not used. The audio could be present for backward compatibility with devices and systems that require a set number of channels, beyond what is actually required to carry the content. LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020101.00000000 LeftAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the Left loudspeaker LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020102.00000000 RightAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the Right loudspeaker LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020103.00000000 CenterAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the Center loudspeaker LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020104.00000000 LFEAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the screen Low Frequency Effects loudspeaker LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020105.00000000 LeftSurroundAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the Left Surround LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020106.00000000 RightSurroundAudioChannel Identifies the Audio Channel intended to drive the Right Surround LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.0302010f.00000000 VisuallyImpairedNarrativeAudioChannel A dedicated narration channel describing the main picture events for the visually impaired. LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020201.00000000 _51SoundfieldGroup Identifies the 5.1 Soundfield Group LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020220.01000000 SMPTEST20678StandardStereo Consists of Audio Channels L, R LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.0401010d.03020320.01000000 SMPTEST20678MainProgram Identifies SMPTE ST 2067-8 2067-8 Main Program View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptors use the SMPTE Metadata Registers Entries listed here in accordance with this table.
SMPTE Metadata Registers Symbol MCA Tag Name MCA Tag Symbol AudioDescriptionStudioSignalDataChannel
AD Studio Signal Data Channel chADSSdc
Left chL
Right chR
Center chC
Left Surround chLs
Right Surround chRs
Visually Impaired Narrative chVIN
⚠ The MCA Tag Name "Visually Impaired-Narrative" (with a hyphen) is used elsewhere, such as in IMF and D-Cinema.
SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptors use the SMPTE Metadata Registers Entries listed here in accordance with this table.
SMPTE Metadata Registers Symbol MCA Tag Name MCA Tag Symbol Constituent Audio Channels (in no particular order) AudioDescriptionStudioSignal
AD Studio Signal sgADSS
5.1 sg51
Standard Stereo sgST
GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptors use the SMPTE Metadata Registers Entries listed here in accordance with this table.
SMPTE Metadata Registers Symbol MCA Tag Name MCA Tag Symbol AlternativeProgram
Alternative Program ggAPg
Music and Effects ggME
Audio Description ggAD
Audio Description Program Mix ggADPgMx
Main Program ggMPg
Unused Audio ggUnAu
SMPTE Registers Node: InterpretiveSoundEssence
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01000000 InterpretiveSoundEssence SMPTE Label identifiers for Sound Essence interpretive data View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: AudioChannel
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01010000 AudioChannel SMPTE Label identifiers for Audio Channel interpretive data View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: SoundfieldGroup
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01020000 SoundfieldGroup SMPTE Label identifiers for Soundfield Groups interpretive data View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
SMPTE Registers Node: GroupOfSoundfieldGroups
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition NODE urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.01030000 GroupOfSoundfieldGroups SMPTE Label identifiers for Groups of Soundfield Groups interpretive data View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
MCA Tag Symbol prefixes
Component metadata
The MCA Tag Symbols for labels that are used here but defined elsewhere have had prefixes applied to the values specified in their defining documents.
These prefixes (
for Audio Channel;sg
for Soundfield Group;gg
for Group of Soundfield Group) are also applied by the Digital Cinema and IMF applications of the Multichannel Audio Labeling framework (SMPTE ST 377-4), so this Specification uses the same MCA Tag Symbols as used in those applications.
Labels used here but defined elsewhere
Component metadata
Some of the Labels listed here are defined elsewhere. For a full explanation of such Labels, refer to the document detailed in the
element for the Label in the relevant XML.
Labeling Audio Description
Component metadata
The anticipated application of these Labels to "Audio Decsription" is as follows:
will be used withAudioDescriptionStudioSignal
will be used withSMPTEST20678StandardStereo
Other valid combinations of "Soundfield Group" and "Group of Soundfield Groups" Labels are also possible.
Unused Audio Labelling
Component metadata
The "Unused Audio" label is expected to be used when channels are part of a fixed audio layout but are not used for the program or associated content. The Audio Channel and Soundfield Group labels are still used to label the physical properties of the unused audio, but the Soundfield Group references the "Unused Audio" Group Of Soundfield Groups label to indicate the channels are unused.
Extra Audio Layout Modes
Component metadata
This is a Parameter Value Block – it sets the value of the Parameter Key Block Extra Audio Layout Modes
Permitted Extra Audio Layout Modes
Component metadata
The following are permitted: Audio Layout Mode 1.
Audio Layout Mode 1
Component metadata
Channel Assignment Label is ConstrainedMultichannelAudioLabelingFramework_with_Default_Audio_Layout_A.
Component metadata
SMPTE Metadata Registers – Labels
Kind UL Symbol Definition LEAF urn:smpte:ul:060e2b34.04010101.0d010801.02020000 ConstrainedMultichannelAudioLabelingFramework_with_Default_Audio_Layout_A Identifies a specific application of the MXF Multichannel Audio Framework with default audio layout 'A' View the SMPTE Metadata Registers XML file(s):
MCA Labeling Present is "true".
Default Audio Layout 'A'
Component metadata
If there is at least one Sound Track then the first one is {Stereo Main Programme} and the channels are in the following order (from first to last): left, right.
If there are at least two Sound Tracks then the second one is {5.1 Main Programme} and the channels are in the following order (from first to last): left, right, centre, LFE, left surround, right surround.
The order of Descriptors, SubDescriptors, Sound Tracks, Audio Channels and Sound Essence is consistent and as stated here.
Implementation Notes
Component metadata
All of the Sound Tracks defined by this Default Audio Layout are optional, so there could be zero Sound Tracks.
Sound Tracks in this Default Audio Layout are identified by the order in which they appear.
So, if you are using this Layout and want to deliver 5.1 Main Programme only (with no Stereo Main Programme) then your file will have to include two tracks, like so:
- first Sound Track: 2-channel (silence is advised)
- second Sound Track: 6-channel (5.1 Main Programme content)
No mechanism is provided here for signaling that the first Sound Track does not actually contain Stereo Main Programme.
Reg-XML Example
Component metadata
Audio Layout Modes summary
Component metadata
A summary of the {Audio Layout Mode}s available in this Specification is in the table below. Note that every MXF file must use one of the listed modes.
In all defined modes there can be between 0 and 127 (inclusive) Sound Tracks in the MXF file.
Mode Name "Channel Assignment Label" "MCA Labeling Present" "Default Audio Layout" Audio Layout Mode 0 ConstrainedMultichannelAudioLabelingFramework true NOT SET (no assumptions can be made) Audio Layout Mode 1 ConstrainedMultichannelAudioLabelingFramework_with_Default_Audio_Layout_A true Default Audio Layout 'A'
Table of Terms
Term | Explanation |
2-byte Local Length Encoding | A syntax encoding for "Local Sets" that uses 2-byte Tags and 2-byte Lengths. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
ANC Frame Element | A KLV triplet containing one frame's worth of an Essence Element carrying ANC packets such as VANC Data Packets. Defined By: SMPTE ST 436-1
Audio Channel | A distinct collection of sequenced audio samples that are intended for delivery to a single loudspeaker or other reproduction device. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
Audio Program | A collection of one or more audio channels. Defined By: SMPTE ST 2020-1
AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor | A subclass of MCALabelSubDescriptor used to describe an Audio Channel. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
AVC | Advanced Video Coding. A DCT-based video compression format. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
AVC Byte Stream Format | A format designed to enable delivery of AVC NAL units as an ordered stream of bytes or bits. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
Channel Assignment Label | A property of an Audio Layout Mode |
Clip Wrapping | A method for carrying an entire Essence stream as one contiguous unit. Defined By: SMPTE ST 379-2
colour_description_present_flag | An AVC syntax element that signals the presence of additional syntax elements that describe the colour properties of the encoding. When set equal to 1 it specifies that the colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients syntax elements are present. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
colour_primaries | An AVC syntax element that indicates the chromaticity co-ordinates of the encoding. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
Data Essence | Types of Essence that are not picture or sound. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Data Track | A type of Essence Track that references Data Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Default Audio Layout | A property of an Audio Layout Mode |
Descriptive Metadata | Generic term used for descriptive data whose purpose is to describe Essence data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
DM Framework | A Descriptive Metadata Class that is a Subclass of Descriptive Framework. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
DM Scheme | A mechanism for defining collections of Descriptive Metadata. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
DM Scheme Label | An identifier for a DM Scheme. It is stored in an MXF file's Preface::DMSchemes property to signify the use of that DM Scheme in the file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
DM Segment | An MXF structure used to generically contain Descriptive Metadata on a Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream | A serial communication protocol that is used to transfer audio metadata between various products manufactured by Dolby. Defined By: SMPTE RDD 6
Edit Unit | A temporal division of a Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Essence | A bitstream comprising picture, sound or data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Essence Container | A part of an MXF file that carries one or more Essence streams. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Essence Element | The entire essence stream of a single Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 379-2
Essence Track | A type of Track that references Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Filler | An MXF structure used to describe empty space on a Timeline Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
fixed_frame_rate_flag | An AVC syntax element that indicates that constraints apply to the temporal distance between the output times of any two consecutive pictures. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
Frame Wrapping | A method for dividing and interleaving Essence Elements for each frame of Picture Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 379-2
Generic Container | MXF data structure used to store Essence data in an MXF file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 379-2
Generic Sound Essence Descriptor | A Subclass of the File Descriptor. It is designed to provide generic parametric information which describes the Sound Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Generic Stream Container | MXF data structure used to store unevenly-distributed Essence or large amounts of metadata. Defined By: SMPTE ST 410
Group of Soundfield Groups | A collection of one or more Soundfield Groups which all have the same program content or the same purpose. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor | A subclass of MCALabelSubDescriptor used to describe a Group of Soundfield Groups. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
Header Metadata | MXF data structures that collectively describe the data in the Essence data in an MXF file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Header Partition | The first Partition in the MXF file. This Partition always contains a copy of the Header Metadata. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
IMF | Interoperable Master Format. A framework to accommodate programme material and the instructions for rendering different versions of it. Defined By: SMPTE OV 2067-0
Index Table | A structure in an MXF file used to efficiently access Essence data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Index Table Segment | A part of an Index Table. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
KLV Alignment Grid | A notional byte spacing which may be used to align KLV items within a Partition. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
KLV Fill | Refers to the well-defined means of inserting empty, "fill", data in an MXF file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Material Package | An MXF data structure that describes an output timeline of the file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
matrix_coefficients | An AVC syntax element that indicates the matrix coefficients used to derive the luma and chroma signals from the colour primary signals. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
MCA Labeling Present | A property of an Audio Layout Mode |
MCALabelSubDescriptor | An abstract superclass used in the Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework, derived from the MXF SubDescriptor. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
Package | An MXF structure that aggregates one or more Tracks. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Partition | A portion of the MXF file. An MXF file consists of a sequence of Partitions. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Picture Essence | A type of Essence containing predominantly picture data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Picture Essence Descriptor | MXF technical metadata that describes the Picture Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Picture Track | A type of Essence Track that references Picture Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Preface | The root of the Strong Reference tree of the Header Metadata. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Random Index Pack | A table that contains the byte offsets of all Partitions. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Sequence | A Structural Metadata Class that is a Subclass of Structural Component. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
SMPTE 2020-B | A method (sometimes known as "Method B") for mapping audio metadata into vertical ancillary data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 2020-1
Sound Essence | A type of Essence containing sound data. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Sound Essence Descriptor | MXF technical metadata that describes the Sound Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Sound Track | A type of Essence Track that references Sound Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Soundfield Group | A collection of Audio Channels meant to be played out simultaneously through a given Soundfield Configuration. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor | A subclass of MCALabelSubDescriptor used to describe a Soundfield Group. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-4
Source Clip | An MXF structure that enables a portion of one Track to be referenced by another Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Source Essence | Essence data referenced by a Source Package. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Source Package | MXF data structure that describes source Essence. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Static Track (DM) | A Track carrying unchanging Descriptive Metadata. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Timecode | An annotation of elapsed time along a Track. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Timecode Component | An MXF structure that stores Timecode information. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Timecode Track | An MXF Track that stores one or more Timecode Components. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Timeline Track | A specialized MXF Track that describes a timeline by specifying an origin and rate. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Top-Level File Package | A Source Package that is internal to the file and which is directly referenced by a Material Package of the file. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
Track | MXF data structure used to describe the content structure. Defined By: SMPTE ST 377-1
transfer_characteristics | An AVC syntax element that indicates the relationship between the scene or display brightness and the level of the luma and chroma signals. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
TTML | Timed Text Markup Language. An XML content type that describes text delivered on a timeline. Defined By: W3C TTML2
VANC Data Packet | An ancillary data packet in the vertical ancillary data space (VANC). Defined By: SMPTE ST 291-1
video_full_range_flag | An AVC syntax element that indicates the black level and range of the luma and chroma signals. Defined By: ITU-T Rec H.264
Table of References
Name | Information | ||||
ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 | Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange
| ||||
ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 | Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange
| ||||
ITU-T Rec H.264 | Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audio-Visual Services
| ||||
SMPTE OV 2067-0 | Interoperable Master Format | ||||
SMPTE RDD 6 | Description and Guide to the Use of the Dolby E Audio Metadata Serial Bitstream | ||||
SMPTE RP 2057 | Text-Based Metadata Carriage in MXF
| ||||
SMPTE ST 2020-1 | Format of Audio Metadata and Description of the Asynchronous Serial Bitstream Transport | ||||
SMPTE ST 2067-2 | Interoperable Master Format — Core Constraints
| ||||
SMPTE ST 291-1 | Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting | ||||
SMPTE ST 377-1 | Material Exchange Format (MXF) — File Format Specification
| ||||
SMPTE ST 377-4 | MXF Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
| ||||
SMPTE ST 378 | MXF Operational pattern 1A (Single Item, Single Package)
| ||||
SMPTE ST 379-2 | MXF Generic Container | ||||
SMPTE ST 381-3 | Material Exchange Format—Mapping AVC Streams into the MXF Generic Container
| ||||
SMPTE ST 382 | Mapping AES3 and Broadcast Wave Audio into the MXF Generic Container
| ||||
SMPTE ST 391 | MXF Operational Pattern 1b (Single Item, Ganged Packages)
| ||||
SMPTE ST 407 | MXF Operational Patterns 3a and 3b
| ||||
SMPTE ST 410 | Material Exchange Format — Generic Stream Partition | ||||
SMPTE ST 436-1 | MXF Mappings for VI Lines and Ancillary Data Packets
| ||||
W3C TTML-IMSC1.1 | TTML Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.1
| ||||
W3C TTML2 | Timed Text Markup Language 2 |